So, we've been really busy! All of a sudden, John had a job, then I got a job, and now we're moving into an apartment. I didn't get a teaching job this year, which made me so sad (and still does) that I can't really think about it for very long. I do, however, have a different kind of job than I have ever had before. I'm working for a company called Bloom Marketing Group in the human resources department. My official title is "recruitment specialist" which really means that I screen and interview candidates for the hundreds of open positions at Bloom MG. I hired my first person today.
Even though it's not teaching, I think this job will provide me with a different kind of experience that will ultimately be valuable. Working in a human resources department, I'll get lots of experience dealing with people, which can only be good. So far, the office is a pleasant place to work, even though things are kind of crazy right now because next week, Bloom is moving to a new building.
We're moving into our apartment on Wednesday, and we decided we would drive up to John's

parent's house this past weekend to get all of the things we stored there last year. John's parents were flying into Indianapolis really late Friday night, and we decided to surprise them by meeting them at the airport and then continuing up to Angola with them. We made signs that said "Mom" and "Dad" so we could stand there and hold the signs while they were walking down the long hallway.... they saw us from pretty far down the hall and laughed all the way. It was great, and they said it was a much needed perk after a not-so-smooth trip.
John's brother Joe and his fiancee
Narissa bought their first house, and we got to see it while we

were visiting. We had some family fun at their house before they came to help us load the truck with all our stuff. Then, John decided to try something totally weird: an ear wax candle. This hollow candle is supposed to draw the wax out of your ears while it burns - but you have to stick the non-burning end into your ear. As it turns out, it works. If you would like photographic proof, email me and I'll send you a picture. That's just too gross to put on a blog!
In other news, my brother, Jesse has left for college, but before he left, he gave some rides in his
sandrail. Believe it or not, my grandmother (
Gramma Verch) wanted to take a spin in Jesse's sporty vehicle. She had a great time tooling around with him with the wind whipping her hair around. I got to take a ride, too. It was fun, and we really miss having Jesse around.

Congratulations, Claire! That's really good to hear! Oh, and let me know if you need some help with moving, or anything - I'm fairly free until classes start on Monday.
congrats on the jobs for both of you! are you moving back into orchard glen? hope it's going well!
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