To pick up where the last post ended, we loaded up our b
ackpacks on Saturday and head for the Teton National park for a day hike up to a place called Amphitheater Lake. It was a five mile hike up 3,000 feet so all four of us were sure to take a lunch and plenty of water. It was a beautiful hike that rose higher and higher above the tree line. Along the way Joel stopped and showed us how to use his
water filter as we needed to refill our water bottles from a mountain creek. It took us a good 3 to 4 hours to get to the top.... correction it took Claire and I a good 3 to 4 hours to get to the top. I have no doubt that Joel and Laura could have made it in better time but they were nice enough to let us stop when we needed breaks. At the top was a breath taking view of a glacier lake that had a mountain backdrop.

After getting to the top Joel and I decided that we were going to
take a dip in the lake to cool ourselves off. I can tell you that there is nothing like glacial water to cool you off. After a very short swim we laid by the lakeside and took in the view. It was a nice place to relax and enjoy the day. After a few pictures we were ready for our 5 mile hike down 3,000 feet. By the end of the day we were all pretty tired. As we headed off for dinner at a local favorite of Joel and Laura there was a brief period of time where I needed to carry Claire to dinner.

The next morning was a little rough for Claire as she was feeling pretty sore from the long hike. Even today in Yellowstone walking around was a little tough for her. After church we decided that we were all going to float down the Flat River, which runs through Jackson, on inner tubes. After some digging around we were able to fine one tire tube, one inflatable plastic tube, and on 2 seater float. So we parked one car at the end of the river and got in another and took off for the start. It didn't take long down the river before we realized that the river could use about another foot of water to really make the trip a lazy one. Nonetheless we had a great ti
me. Every so often the river would drop about a foot and navigating or large rocks and through shallow waters made the adventure a memorable one. I think Joel and Laura were the only two that didn't flip completely off their 2 man tube into the water. As we were floating past Joel and Laura's apartment we decided that we had had enough. After some warm showers Joel and I took the bus to pick up the cars. Even with a couple bumps and bruises we all had a lot of fun.

Later that night Joel had entertain some campers at his school in Jackson, so Claire and I took the opportunity to go with him while Laura lead her Bible school at home. It was a good chance for Claire and I to see Joel's school and to see him in action. He p
layed a silly camp song that he made up for the campers and then helped them as they all wrote their own. It was a great evening to sit back and enjoy the show.

The next morning Claire and I packed our things and headed of on our road trip home. We both at the best time with Joel and Laura. We enjoyed the chances we got to spend with them, the chance to see where they live, and do the things that they do. We hope to again visit sometime real soon.
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