We left Bloomington for Utah on Tuesday morning at 5 to catch our plane. That doesn't sound that bad until you know that for whatever dumb reason we stayed up til 11:30 the night before watching a Harry Potter movie. Oh well - a quick snooze on the plane and some random stares sitting in the Denver airport and before we knew it we were picking up our rental car in Salt Lake.

While we have been here Joel and Laura have been working during the day which has given Claire and I the chance to do some exploring on our own. The first day that we were here we walked back downtown and looked through a lot of the shops that are around town. We returned home around the time Joel returned home where we packed a picnic and headed for the hills. Joel had a spot in mind that provided a fantastic view of the sunset over t
he Teton range. It was a great way to spend an evening.

Day two was a relaxing day. We rode along with Laura in the morning as she ran some
errands around town. She took us up to a very high-end hotel that looks down onto Jackson and has a view of the Tetons as well. Claire and I have a hard time imagining what the lifestyle would be like that would allow us to stay in such a nice place. We were then able to see where Joel and Laura lived before they moved into the apartment that they have now.
The plan for this evening is to head back there for a cookout and to meet their ex roommate. For the afternoon we relaxed, read, and napped. The evening's activities called for a hike up Snow King which is a mountain that is located literally in Joel and Laura's back yard. Snow king is a ski resort that in the summer time doubles as hiking trails for the locals. Then once you get to the top you can ride
the ski lift down. Joel and Laura hike the trail about 2 times a week and can make it to the top in 45 minutes. We took just under 2 hours. There is certainly something to be said about the lack of oxygen in high altitude places. And once again the view from the top was a breathtaking view of all of Jackson and then on to the Tetons to Yellowstone. After some pictures, we took the chair lift down, got some ice cream, and called it a day.

This morning we woke up early and headed out on a wildlife view expedition b
efore Joel had to head off to work. We were able to not only see some wildlife like a moose, her calf, a coyote, a mule deer, and some antelope, but the sunrise as well. We were hoping to see some elk but today wasn't the day, maybe tomorrow. Afterward we went to Bubba's , a local favorite, for breakfast.

We have plans to head back into Teton park over the weekend for some day trips which we are looking forward to. Our plans are to continue to post as we make our way back across the country. We'll be taking off from here on Monday.
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