Sunday, March 9, 2008

Our New House

Claire and I have purchased our first house together. The Picasa site below has pictures if you care to check it out.

I hope you enjoy.


Emily said...

congrats on the house! Tim and I bought our first home in September and we are loving it! The house looks great. Hope you're both doing wonderfully! Happy Easter!

Carole said...

You bought a house! Wow! The things I miss when I'm stuck in censored China (I haven't read blogs since February.)

I'm on a short vacation now (hence the blog-reading) but I'll email as soon as I get back. I'd love to hear about how you are settling in.

Sonya said...

Hey there! You guys bought a house, that's so fantastic! I'm so happy for you :) I'm glad to read you are both enjoying all that being home entails (as if there was any doubt). Drop me an email so we can catch up.